The Varsity Letter and McGoober Patches

We got spirit, yes we do!  We got spirit, at McGoo U!

At this hallowed institution of higher cookie learning, we make friends, we learn the art of decorating, and we cheer on our football team when they’re up against our rivals at CakePop Tech.  “Go McGoonicorns!”

As a professor and the chancellor of McGoo U, I wanted to show my love and appreciation by introducing a way to say thank you; for being loyal McGoobers, for supporting McGoo U, and for being awesome: you can now earn varsity style patches!

These patches look fabulous on sweaters, cardigans, or this letterman-style jacket from amazon, and some people put them on backpacks, hats, and some have framed them.  Whatever you choose to do with them, the great news is that the you can earn real patches for doing stuff you already do as an A+ student.

Some clarifications about patches:

“Doing your homework” means following along with the monthly McGoo U tutorial, and creating the cookies made in class (usually 3).  They can be customized, embellished, or modified, but it needs to use that month’s techniques and basic designs for patch earning purposes.

Patches are based off of my illustrations found in the Arty McGoo Activity Book. 

Patches are not earned retroactively.  This is a new and exciting program! (est. August 2017)

We can’t wait to show you the rest of the series and are excited to start sending these out.
Make sure your address is current in your McGoo U account so we can get them to you.

Piping Bag Patch

Do your “homework” for 3 consecutive current months (ex: August, September, October).  Use the hashtag #mcgoouhomework and post a picture of your work by the last day of the month on your public Facebook, Instagram account, or on the McGoo U student body FB page.

Multiples: Yes.  Receive a patch for each consecutive 3 months (starting August 2017).

Bonus: On your 4th earning, receive a special “Year of Homework” rolling pin patch.  

Mixer Patch

Refer a friend to be a new McGoo U annual subscriber. (Make sure they put your name in the “Who referred you?” section when they register.)

Multiples: Yes.  Receive a patch for each friend who joins.  (Not for renewals)

Bonus: If you do not have your varsity letter patch, you will automatically receive your letter with this patch!!!

Apron Patch

The apron patch is given at Arty’s discretion.  It can be given for anything from being innovative to being encouraging to others. It could be for in-person events or virtual. In other words: anything goes. tip: participating on the McGoo U Student Body Facebook page and using hashtag #mcgoou helps me see what you’re up to.

Multiples: Yes

Oven Mitt Patch

The oven mitt patch is given for donating at least 1 dozen cookies to a worthy cause. (Think Icing Smiles, Operation Cookie Takeover, a school fundraiser, etc.) You can earn the patch by posting a picture of your cookies using the hashtag #mcgooberslendahand. (Please keep in mind that a cookie DONATION is different than a cookie GIFT. If you can write it off as a charitable donation, then it counts. If you’re making cookies for your neighbor or your kid’s teacher, that is super nice, but won’t earn you a patch.)

Multiples: Heck yes! And while we would never ever limit the good you can do in the world, we are limiting you to 6 oven mitt patches per calendar year.

Whisk Patch

Post 6 months of homework in PUBLIC posts. If you post them to your personal or business FB page, you will be able to share that post to the group for credit.

You can post to IG or FB. If your IG or FB business handle is different from your real name, let me know so I can give you credit. PLEASE also post or share to the McGoo U FB group “McGoo U Student Body” to make sure I see it and give you credit.

Use the following hashtags: #mcgoouhomework#mcgoou and tag Arty McGoo when possible.

This is for NEW homework posts. You can’t go back and repost old work.

*The exception to this rule is posting MAKE UP homework (in January and February). If you have missing homework in your current streak, or want to create the homework from classes prior to your membership starting, you can go back, complete that homework, get credit for it for your streaks and patches. MAKE UP work must be in a public post as well.


ABSOLUTELY! You can earn 2 per year just by completing the monthly homework.  However, you can earn one more by posting 6 previous homeworks during January & February when “Make Up Work” is offered.

Rolling Pin Patch

Do your “homework” for 12 consecutive months.  Use the hashtag #mcgoouhomework and post just like the piping bag patch.

Multiples: Yes.  1 per completed year

McGoo U “M” Varsity Letterman Patch

Two ways to earn:

1. Attend an advanced class taught by Arty.

2. Refer a new annual McGoober. When you get a friend of yours to sign up to be an annual McGoo U member we will send you a varsity letter (along with your mixer patch). Make sure your friend includes your name in the “how did you hear about us” section when they sign up!

Multiples: This is the only patch that is awarded once

Gold Star Patch

If you attend an advanced Arty McGoo in-person class and have already earned your “M” Varsity Letter, you will earn Gold Stars thereafter. Attend again and again and become a 5 star McGoo General.

Multiples: If you come to a second class, or 100th class, you’ll always earn another gold star!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Kate Sullivan

    I’ve recommended several people and I know Margaux Mann mentioned me, but I never got the mixer patch.

    1. John Adams

      Hi Kate! We keep careful records of the patches and will let you know when you earn some! 🙂 -Mr. John

  2. Melanie Hein

    Hi! I completed and post my homework in June, July & August and thought I’d earned my first patch. I’ve posted on my personal page as Melanie Hein Blackwell and used the hashtag.

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