Homework Groups
Join a Group • Make Friends • Create Cookies • Have Fun!
The best way to learn is by DOING! McGoobers have termed following along and creating the monthly McGoo U cookies as “doing their homework”. There are no grades and the main goal is to learn and have fun. By completing your homework every month, you can earn patches that will be sent to you as you continue to participate (details about varsity letter and patches here).
Turning in your homework is simple… just post a picture! You turn your homework in by creating the current month’s cookies and posting a picture of your results on social media (IG, FB or twitter) and including the hashtag #mcgoouhomework .
Homework Groups are local gatherings of McGoo U members who want to create socially! Homework Groups get special deals on supplies, earn badges, and learn together.
So Happy Together!
Something magical happens when you create with others. Gathering your tribe helps establish an atmosphere of motivation, inspiration, and support for one another. Each group has it own flavor, because each ingredient is unique! What spice will you bring to your group?
You can join a local homework group, or start one of your own for FREE!
- Find your local group below
- Connect with the docent (dough-cent) and see if there is space in the group
- To start your own group, contact Mr. John at hello@artymcgoo.com
“Nothing is more exciting and bonding in relationships than creating together.” -Stephen R. Covey
- It is FREE to create your own group
- All attendees MUST be McGoo U members
- Individuals can join ONE homework group, but can visit and participate in others (while traveling, etc.)
- All groups need to be registered (email Mr. John to register your group)
- A group contains 3 or more members to receive all benefits
- Groups ideally meet monthly to make life-long local cookie friends
- Each must meet at least 10 times a year (virtual works great during the pandemic)
- Each group can schedule a live Q & A – Zoom meeting with Arty McGoo (annually)
- Each group gets listed on this page and will have their own group in the McGoo U Community
- Dough-cent must post a homework group photo every month to Instagram and/or Facebook
- use the hashtags #McGooUHomeworkGroup #McGooU
- mention or hashtag your group name
- tag all members in the photo (this is for tracking and earning group patches)
- 30% Discounts on group orders (minimum of $100)
- Once the Dough-cent has a group of 3 or more meeting regularly, and met for 6 months in a row; the Dough-cent earns a McGoo U Letter!
- Dough-cents can organize their group in the following ways:
- Pot Luck Style- Responsibilities are assigned to the members on a rotating basis (hosting, supplies/tools, icing and cookies, etc.)
- Fee Based- Dough-cent provides everything for a monthly fee (amount to be decided by the group)
- Every Person for Themselves- Each member brings their own supplies to class
- Choose Your Own Adventure- Your unique situation may present a different structure. We are good with that.
- Let us know your chosen structure to include in your info tab on your group page
- Dough-cent can be appointed by the group or established by the group creator