Bunny Ears and… More Bunny Ears

I have lots of cookie cutters.  animals.  all the letters of the alphabet.  baby rattle.  frog.  You know what cookie cutters I use most often?  My rectangle and my circle.  You know how some kids are really bad at coloring in the lines?  That is me with cutters:  I am really bad at cookie-ing in the lines.  Some other cookiers can see all kinds of crazy things within  those lines!  My mind is always blown when someone fits an amazing picture within the confines of some random cookie cutter!  I am insanely jealous of those with cutter-vision.

So the other day my hilarious and genius cookier friend Georganne of Lila Loa threw down the gauntlet with a “Creative Cookie Decorating Contest”.  That crazy lady posts this outline of a present cookie cutter and tells cookiers to go nuts making it into anything… except for a present.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I see a present… and that is all.  Period.  I couldn’t WAIT to see what people could do with this.  I kept finding myself thinking about what else it could be, meditating, willing myself to suddenly be gifted with cutter-vision!  Nope.  nothing.

So I went to visit my sister and we went shopping at that mecca of all creativity: Hobby Lobby.  I don’t have one anywhere near me, so I seriously dream about that place.  There we are perusing the aisles; me touching everything and skipping, (maybe singing?) when suddenly before me is that present cookie cutter.  Hanging there.  Mocking me.

To make a short story long, I bought the offending cutter and I asked every human who crossed my path what they saw within those lines.  I rotated it for them.  When they answered “present” I hissed at them and limped back to my corner, cupping the precious in my hands and stroking it.

Okay, so that didn’t happen…  not the limping part…  and I didn’t carry it around with me in my purse just in case… and I didn’t sleep with it either…

Short story longer, I was making Easter cookies and decided to cut out some of those FREAKING presents and maybe inspiration would hit.  Here is what I finally saw within those lines.  And now that my brain is exhausted I can retire my present cutter to my cookie cutter bin with the rest of those crazy shapes that I will never look at it again.   

I don’t know why I came up with two things with the same name, I’m just happy I came up with something!  Thank you Georganne for torturing challenging me and others to exercise our creativity.

There is still plenty of time to torture yourself with making a present cookie into not a present cookie.  Go to Lila Loa and join in on the fun!

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Sue

    Ha Ha…two versions of bunny ears~I love it, Liz! And you thought you wouldn't be able to come up with something:) They both look fabulous! You know what I see? I see a hot water bottle, and maybe a heart valve…either way, not very cute cookie material.

  2. karenb

    Very Creative!!! They both are cute!!!

  3. Paula

    Inspiration certainly did hit! The bunny family is adorable and I laughed out loud at Gumby and Pokey on the T.V. (many who read this post may not even recognize Gumby….) seems a very long time ago when I used to watch the show.

  4. Elizabeth Higginbotham

    Those bunnies are precious. It's a sweet little bunny fam. Love it. That cutter made me want to do cow udders and heart aorta thingies. Your bunnies are a bit classier than my idea.

  5. Hehehehehe! I adore you! I have been struggling to come up with something amazing, but it's like ingot an immediate mental block when challenged!!! I bought it though, and I'm making some tomorrow. I hope I come up with something half as cool as you did !!!

  6. LauraLee

    So glad she tortured you into being able to create these to share with us! These are just fabulous!!! Now if we could just taste them..that would be perfect!

  7. Holly

    I thought your bunny ears were adorable! I was actually inspired to do an actual cookie…even though I'm more of a bread person than cookier…it was a lot harder than I expected to keep the icing at the right consistency on a hot day!! Kudos to you and your beautiful work, you are truly talented. Next time I'll just tell you what I see so you can execute it even better than I imagined!

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