Hey McGoobers, this July you’ll have the opportunity to earn patches by participating in Arty’s “Summer of Cookie Love”. Once again you’ll be able to earn an apron patch for sharing your beautiful cookie creations with others. The rules are a little different this year, so keep reading…
Each week in July you can earn one apron patch when you share at least one dozen of your amazing cookies with people OUTSIDE of your circle of family and friends. We really want this to be a gift from you to your community. There will be a different list of recipients for each week. Post a picture on your public FB or IG account of the recipient(s) with their cookies for credit. Make sure you tag each picture with #summerofcookielove. If you post a picture each week, you can earn up to 4 patches! The cookies can be any design you choose, but should use at least one technique you’ve learned at McGoo U.
Here are the list of recipients for each week:
- Week 1: July 1-7 – Your local post office or mail carrier, veterans, or any military personnel
- Week 2: July 8-14 – Your local library
- Week 3: July 15-21 – Your local fire fighters or police officers
- Week 4: July 22 – 28 – A local rest home, assisted living center, or organization that feeds the homeless
If you have kids or grandkids who are home for the summer, get them involved! We can’t wait to see you doing good in your community! Please remember the following:
- Post your picture with the hashtag #summerofcookielove so we can find it!
- Post your photo during the correct week (we don’t want to see your mailman’s picture on July 27th).
- Share your 1 dozen cookies with people who aren’t part of your social circle already. If your brother is a police officer, that’s awesome; but he already gets your cookies, so please give them to someone else!
We’ll send out all of the patches in August…so get out there and share the cookie love!
I joined just in time! This is going to be so fun! I can’t wait to earn my first patch! ♀️
On week 4 is that staff or residents?
Either is fine with us!